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Are you prepared for an emergency or death?

In the case of an emergency or unexpected death, are you prepared for your loved ones to deal with your affairs without having to rummage through desk drawers to locate information? No family member should be forced to deal with both their grief and unorganized financial situations at the same time. Having an organized plan when an emergency strikes can ease the burden for grieving family members and enable them to handle your affairs the way you intended.

Storing essential information in one location can prove extremely beneficial. A family binder can be used to organize and keep track of information, accounts, wishes, notes, etc. Anything you may want people to know in the event of an emergency or death can be kept here. Click here to learn more about the family binder.

We are offering special “Family Binder” workshops hosted by Dani Hussung, Financial Assistant and presented by Greg Storen, President/ CEO, Advisory Services Director. During these workshops, we provide buildable binders that will:

    • Include important information or directions to storage locations where this information may be kept
    • Allow terminal patients to express their wishes or leave notes behind for loved ones
    • Guide spouses or significant others in obtaining information on POAs, wills, trusts, bank accounts, etc. in the event of an emergency or death

*See list of what to bring to our workshop below.


Family Binder Workshop

Join us for one of these workshops in our Storen Financial Conference Room (Click here for directions). Our small group format will leave plenty of time to answer any questions you might have.

Workshop Date: October 1, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm
Click here to register.

Workshop Date: October 3, 2024
Time: 11:00 am
Click here to register.

*Please note space is limited to the first 10 people who register! 


Here’s what to bring to the family binder workshop:

Below is a list of elements that would be beneficial to include in your family binder or bring with you to this event. If you are a Storen Financial investment client, the items we have on file will be printed and ready for you.

Personal Information
• Family Information
• Professional Team
• Healthcare Team
• Wallet
• Birth / Death Certificates
• Marriage Certificate
• Firearms License

Estate Planning
• Will
• Trust
• Final Expense Plans

Financial Information
• Bank Accounts
• Investments
• Pensions
• Stocks / Bonds
• Social Security
• Debts

Real Assets
• Real Estate / Mortgage
• Rental Properties

Password Keeper
• Email / Blogs
• Bank Accounts
• Social Media
• Online File Storage
• Home Alarm Code
• Computer / Phone / Tablet
• Safe

• Business Docs
• Pet arrangements


Hosted by Dani Hussung – Financial Assistant, Presented by Greg Storen, President/ CEO

Learn more about Dani and the rest of the Storen Financial team here.


This workshop is administrative in nature and no investment services will be discussed.

Storen Financial and LPL Financial do not provide legal advice or services. Please consult your legal advisor regarding your specific situation.