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Financial Assistant, Joseph Cavazos, discusses data protection in this video series for young professionals.

Join us as one of our Financial Assistants, Joseph Cavazos, sits down to discuss the financial milestones that young professionals in their 20s-30s often face. Our goal with this video series is to educate and provide resources that will help guide these young professionals along their financial journey. In this video, Joseph explains and simplifies data protection.

Data Protection Explained – The Basics

Joseph will walk you through…

• Ways you can protect your data
• How one method of protecting your data can help you avoid probate


Watch more from this Young Professionals video series…

Click here to watch the next video in our series: Young Professionals Program – 401k Explained


Interested in learning more about how to establish a foundation and build wealth as a young professional? Check out our blog on our Young Professionals Program. (Click here to read more.) Or if you’d like to learn more about securing your financial future and other related topics, check out our Financial Planning blogs where you can access these great resources. (Click here to read more.)

And as always, if you have any other questions, please contact us. (Click here for contact information.)


Want to learn more?

Here are two resources mentioned in this video…

Protecting Your Identity in the New Year 
3 Reasons You Should Not Email Financial Information


Presented by Joseph Cavazos – Financial Assistant

Learn more about Joseph and the rest of the Storen Financial team here.