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Bringing businesses a sounding board…

For many business owners, each day comes with many operations-related questions, with no answers. The desire for a sounding board and solid game plan is a natural wish for any business owner. I remember when I owned my CPA firm in North Carolina. I just wanted someone to toss around a few ideas, but often I had no one to do that with.

Here at Storen Financial, we want you to have what you need to be successful. We offer tax, retirement and investment advising. In 2021, we will continue offering business advising or coaching – as many may know it. I will be leading this effort in order to bring our business clients a qualified sounding board. Each month, in the Coach’s Corner blog, I will highlight and offer advice around a specific skill or decision that business owners often face during their self-employment journey.

Until next time ….. having a defense-minded focus leads to small victories, but having an offense-minded strategy leads to ultimate success!


Blog by Jason P. Bailey, CPA – Business Services Manager, Senior Tax Professional

Learn more about Jason and the rest of the Storen Financial team here.