Educational Events
Join us at one of these upcoming events
Our goal is to provide educational opportunities and resources to our clients and surrounding community members in order to help you along your financial journey. Check back frequently as we’re always adding new events!
Event Calendar
View all of our events we have planned for the year on our event calendar. Click here for details.
Tax Law Update Conversation with Kim Storen, EA
Do you have questions about the significant tax law changes for 2018 and how they may affect you? Join us for an in-depth conversation with Kim Storen, Owner and EA, Tuesday, January 15th, 2019 6pm - 7pm Eaton Hall of Brownsburg Town Hall 61 N Green St Brownsburg, IN...
How can we help?
At Storen Financial, we offer so much more than tax preparation and accounting services. We go beyond the numbers to provide our clients with financial planning, in-depth consulting, and year-round support. Looking for more info? Click below to learn more.
Read the latest news and resources on our blog
Storen Team Attends Thomson Reuters Advisory Symposium
Thomson Reuters Practice Forward Advisory Symposium Elevates our Business Advisory Services This summer, three of our Storen team members travelled to Carlsbad, CA for the Thomson Reuters Practice Forward Advisory Symposium. Kim, Debbi, and Erika spent a week...
7 Topics to Address with Your Accountant Before Year-end
Avoid Unnecessary Tax by Meeting with Your Accountant Before the End of the Year No one wants to pay more in tax than they need to. Reaching out to your accountant periodically – and not just at the very end of the year – empowers you to discuss financial situations...
Video Content Library – Access all our videos here!
Quickly find the information you need in our video library of helpful tools, tips, and resources. If you have questions about anything, please contact us. Click the title to access each video. How-to Videos • 4 Ways to Submit Documents to Storen Financial • Top...