Educational Events

At Storen Financial, we find it important to keep you updated and informed. We host a series of educational seminars and events that share valuable information and interesting topics for our clients and the community.


Join us at one of these upcoming events

Our goal is to provide educational opportunities and resources to our clients and surrounding community members in order to help you along your financial journey. Check back frequently as we’re always adding new events!

Event Calendar

View all of our events we have planned for the year on our event calendar. Click here for details.

Shred-it Day is coming in May!

Our Shred-it Day is coming in May! The Rays paper shredding truck will be at our Zionsville office on May 22, 2021 to instantly shred all your personal documents on site. Our Shred-it event is a secure way to get rid of your documents containing personal information...

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Virtual Event: Storen Financial Hosts Ed Slott

VIDEO: Click here to watch on YouTube. RSVP today for this virtual event, featuring America’s leading IRA expert, Ed Slott! Storen Financial has the opportunity to host my good friend and America’s leading IRA expert, Ed Slott. Ed will be doing a one hour presentation...

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How can we help?

At Storen Financial, we offer so much more than tax preparation and accounting services. We go beyond the numbers to provide our clients with financial planning, in-depth consulting, and year-round support. Looking for more info? Click below to learn more.


Read the latest news and resources on our blog

Team Attends Virtual Ed Slott Training

Ed Slott’s Virtual 2-Day IRA Workshop For Financial Advisors It's incredibly important to our team that we're always learning and refreshing our understanding of the information needed to safeguard, manage, and grow your accounts. This means we often attend training,...

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Avoid Falling Prey to Scams With These Resources

Protect your identity and safeguard your wealth from scams Each year, countless people fall victim to cunning scammers looking for any opportunity to steal someone else’s money. In particular, many of these scams target older adults who are especially vulnerable to...

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The Positive Impact of Building a Business Budget

What is a business budget? Running a successful business requires proactive financial management, careful planning, and effective decision-making. At Storen Financial, we know that a key tool in achieving your business goals is the development of a well-structured...

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